Friday, November 4, 2011

Daughter's Dream

      My daughter told me this morning that she had a dream last night and I got my dream car.  The car, which I am trusting God for without any loans, was blue in her dream!  She said it was nice and new looking, like a friend's father's well manicured 60's convertible cadillac is.  Sweet Jesus!  I will definitaley take that!  I told her that was cool!  We can count on that for sure!
      The thing is, is that lately I have felt led to believe for my husband to get a car he would like instead of mine.  I feel he deserves it.  He works so hard and drives a beater to work everyday.  He wants for me to have the car I desire and he take the car I have now.  Which I don't mind at all.  But, if he wants, secretly, a different kind of car then what I have now, I would love to be led by the Lord to give it to him.

Pecans just in God's time

       Well, the pecans came in one week's time, like God said.
We usually have only about this amount, give or take, from an outing of collecting nuts.

      But Wednesday we got over twice that amount, and yesterday we got this much!

Praise God!  We are so tickled to get a bunch of pecans this year.  There is no shame in trusting God for small things!  I am very thankful that the dream came true!

      I am trusting God for new windows for our home.  The ones we have are not very safe.  The tops will fall down and have slammed on our hands before.  They have old paint on them, possibly lead paint, and some are rotting.  What normally happens with 60 year old  I have placed post it notes on various windows thanking God for giving us new windows.  In the verses on that page He led me to earlier, page 327, there is a verse that talks about His making your windows out of agates.  Isaiah 54:12