Saturday, January 28, 2012

Car and People From Past

      I had a few dreams last night.  One was about a friend from high/middle school.  I found him as I was leaving a mall.  I had been at the mall trying to find something.  My husband and kids were there, I believe.  I don't think I found what I was looking for and I was leaving in a hurry.  We were going past this huge food court area to my left, the parking was to my right, and there were no boundaries in between being outside and inside at this point of the dream.  Suddenly I was shown a table and the people there were playing a game i knew.  My friend had a hair style from middle school.  Which I thought odd, that he'd have the same look as back then.  He gave me a little attitude as he told me I'd need luck to win.  As I went to sit down to his right, in front of the game, I said that I didn't need luck.  I might have said God is on my side or will help me, I am not certain.  I sat down and didn't play though, but I won, even though I never made a move.  It was weird.  The game board was made out of a baby/toddler boy's outfit, blue with stripes and long sleeved with attached pants.  It was kind of stuffed and had four pockets in it.  One on each limb. The game sat horizontal and the pockets were horizontal.  You put the game pieces in the pockets, but I didn't see that.  Then the game was over and I was told I won even though I never played.  Not sure what that meant.
      Then I had a dream where there was a guy I used to know.  He was down from me, near a small body of water.  He had a hair cut, a bowl style.  I wondered about that, "Oh he must have cut his hair, I wonder why or when he did that.".  He used to have long hair.  He was playing with a smaller black dog by the shore of that water.  There were other people around and about in the dream.  There were a lot of curves in the dream.  I wanted to go visit but was not allowed to go down to see him.
      There was another dream where I was in the place.  I kept trying to find the swimming pool.  It was a large building, with a lot of people here and there.  It was hard to find your way around.  There were a lot of rooms and I would ask people but no one seemed to know where it was either.  OR they would tell me to find it myself or it's over there, but not specific.  It was a lot of women in that part of the building.  Like classrooms, some were, and a restaurant, and gym like areas, and locker rooms.  It was well lit though.
      Then there was this area, this part was before the dream of the guy by the water, where I was in water.  It was storming outside, sort of. The water was moving.  I was inside but outside.  I was near a bar like thing.  There was a tv, small, and higher up.  There were people there.  You could see outside.  There seemed to be a glass divider, but it might have been imagined.  It was rounded and went over.  It was really weird.  I seemed to be looking for something in that dream and was being told about weather. Bad weather coming.  Then it went to the dream by the lake.
      These dreams happened after I had been treated badly by my spouse after being really trusting and vulnerable all week in a very spiritual way.  That may have something to do with them.  I am asking God to translate it for me.
      I am trusting God for a 92-96 Buick Roadmaster Estate Wagon, or some big wagon or rv that we can pay cash for.  That's because we want a bigger safer vehicle for road trips.  I gave up looking and felt I should look again yesterday.  We found one close and someone snatched it up, wasn't meant to be.  So, my hope was deferred.  I should have spoken about how God is going to give us a perfect car, because He is and we won't have to look for it, we will find it or it will find us easily.  I must edify my faith in this area more.
      My stomach was bothered today, still is a little.  I feel it has to do with what happened last night and my hurt from  that burn and all.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


      I forgot to post this the next day after my dream, since I have been waiting on my healing to manifest.  But I had a dream this week about Russia.  In the dream people were walking around.  Normal day to day kind of thing.  Except there was an observation made, it was said that the guards/people were walking differently.  They were walking like they were communist.   Then it was said that it had begun already, that Russia was on it's way to being fully communist again.  That it was done.
      This saddens my heart because I had always hoped to see Russia maintain it's freedoms, especially religious and speech freedoms.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dreams of temptations

      Well I had a dream that was the devil trying to tempt me, but it didn't work praise God.  I also, right before that had had a dream about a tornado coming for me and the lady and kids I was with at these apartments (green).  The tornado was silent, the storm, but I could see it coming in the sky over the trees and knew it was coming.  It looked like an inverted old school honey bee hive, though!  LOL.  One of those brown cones with rings on it, almost like a hornet's nest.  And I saw the opening come down on our little area...but no one was sucked up.