Thursday, June 20, 2013

Christians persecuted in Europe

    I had a dream last night that I was in Europe with a lady and we saw signs in an asian man's store and they all said "No Cristians".  There was a large anti-Christian sentiment.  I told my friend not to advertise we are Christians and that we are not supposed to anyways.  Then I scanned her front to see if any of her jewelry was crosses.  It was not.  So we went in to another diner/restaurant and sat down.  It was a mess.  All kinds of plates on the high counter were we sat down.  My friend started to clear them off and dropped a few.  They didn't break.  But I told her to stop.  Doing nice things for people will give them a hint of your believe system as people who do not believe in a living God do not do kind things for strangers.  Scary.
    Then I dreamed about my husband bending back the side view mirror on my car.  I had warned him it was going to happen, and then it did.  I then told him I would not let him drive the car again.

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