Monday, September 23, 2013

Destroyed Bible

     I had a really strange dream last night. My zippered burgandy bible was chewed up. I pulled it out of my purse to find it chewed on. One end, corner, was completely gnawed on and the zipper would no longer be able to close the bible. I was really distraught and did not know what to do next.  I had gotten that bible as a replacement to my well worn first bible.  That one was also a zippered bible, but was white with thumb tabs.  This burgandy one I have now, I keep in my purse, has a zipper, but no thumb tabs...but it is out of print.  The publishers are no longer in business, and so it is very special. To have it chewed up, by a dog?, is really odd, considering I rarely have it out of my purse...only when I am reading it.  I have others that I use for bible classes and night time reading.  But I had used it last night and left it on the bedside table.  I was reading in Isaiah...chapters 58-62...around in there, if my memory serves me correctly.
    I have been having a bit of a time about things lately.  I have a friend who just stopped talking to me all of a sudden.  I am not sure how to progress in that area long do you you you try to make contact...for how long...and what kind of contact...what do you say...a lot of possibilities.
    I also think that dream I had about a school shooting was in reference to the SandyHook shooting that happened afterwards.  I think the fact that the shooter didn't hurt me was pointing to the fact that no one was going to get hurt at Sandy, but that it was going to be a show put on for the elite rich in our country.  Because in that dream everyone was going into a large blue auditorium...that was more like a theatre than a gymnasium.  It was for a show.  Not for anything else...that room.  It was completely round like the coliseum in Rome...but indoors and fully covered.  I was just outside of that coliseum like area, hiding in the ceiling of an area.  No one was hurt in that dream...I just thought at the time it would have meant so...because I have seen so many on tv, before, that were totally real.  But then after seeing all the footage and information out there about Sandy...that made me reevaluate that dream I had had.  Very interesting being able to look back and see what it meant, now.

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