Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Spanish class?

      I had a dream last night about school.  I was back in school, almost like high school.  I was trying to find my class, I was taking two classes because that was all I could afford (so I thought).  I looked into one class room and it was not the right one.  It looked right at first, but was not the right one and had the wrong teacher.  I then looked into the next one.  It was not the class i was looking for, but this one was being taught by my high school spanish teacher Mrs. Ohana.  (She was a jew from Brazil!  Very kind and sweet woman)  She called me by my name and told me where to sit down.  SO, I did.  I knew the folks in the class.  I sat down and she told me to turn to page 327 in the book.  She told me that a couple of times.  I finally found the page and noticed I had a paper also on my desk and I waited to get the lesson going.  I talked with some of my classmates.  I found out, somehow, that the classes were all for free and that I was to take a full class load, like college.  I remember talking to someone about how I had been working ever since I was 15, for 17 years I said I had been working.  I remember thinking when I left the class that  I had to check to see if the other two classes would be right on the schedule with this new one and any others I was supposed to take.  Then I thought that it would be alright, God would work it out.
       SO, when I woke up this morning I decided to look at the bible by the bed and see what was on page 327, I knew God wanted me to read it.  It is Isaiah 52:6-55:13 !!!  Very powerful scriptures!  I am excited to meditate on those more and see where it takes me.  I feel God wants me to take more classes in Bible College than just the one I am believing I can take and handle.

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