Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Friday night/ Saturday morning dream and Uganda Orphanage

    I dreamed that I was somewhere...and I answered a phone, landline....corded phone.  It was a Dr. Hunt and he told me I was to get ready I was going to Africa.  He then told me to watch out for Mousalini that he was scaring people in Europe...I believe it was western Europe..the stuff to the left of Italy.
      When I got up I told my husband about the dream.  He said that that was already happening in Greece with the neonazi's there that are upset with foreigners.  I said they were upset about what the government did to their money and their country's economy...and they were thinking they did not want anyone coming and taking a job.  So, I do not know if that was what was meant in my dream. But something is going to happen over there in that region soon.
    Also, I had just go into contact with a friend in Uganda who is at an orphanage.  We are now taking up donations to go to that orphanage in Kabale.  I have a couple of photos only.  But I know the woman, she is a truthful woman.  And they are not asking for money...but little things, like powdered milk, peanut butter, jam, wet wipes,  instant coffee, story books, small inexpensive toys, shoes for the orphans...things like that. If anyone wants to help, please message me or leave a comment and I will get in touch with you.  The shipping costs more than what we are shipping to her.  Uganda is corrupt so we must send some items into Rwanda to guarantee they will get them.  Keep Sister Sev and the orphanage in your prayers please!  She will be going back to the UK to do the paperwork to get them charity status at the end of the year.
    I am so excited to be able to help them.  It seems since I have been deciding to do this I have been under attack.  I accidentally run over something in a drive thru line, a weird divider the store had up that you could not see.  It did some damage to the underside of my car.  Then I found out today at the dentist that I have two bottom teeth that have minor mobility and that I need to see an orthodontist and will probably need braces so I don't loose any teeth in the future.  That messed me up, especially with the strife that keeps popping up in our marriage. I just want peace in our home Lord.  Pray with me, anyone who reads this...for peace to be in our home, in my husband's both of our mouth' be focused on God and His love always.  How can we do so much good if we can not stop the strife!?!

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