I have had quite a few doors close in my life this season. One big one, in particular, is the continuing of my education at Charis Bible College. I thought God wanted me to continue past my first year certificate and get my 2nd or even third year program done. I had been working towards that with all my heart. But, alas, that did not work out. I had a run in with a very unChrist like man who runs a branch of the school. Keep the director of the Atlanta branch in your prayers, as he is not very compassionate, kind, or loving...which is what the school is supposed to be all about. It does not put a good foot forward for the ministry, the school, or God, to be completely honest. If I had been a newer Christian, his attitude and way that he handled the decision to cancel our whole year program, would have turned me away from God completely. Praise God I had more time under my belt. But this should not be so. And maybe the man needs a step back and a break from the job as he doesn't seem to remember the tenants that Jesus spoke to us, about love.
So with that door being shut, I was devastated. But only for a day, or so. I knew that God had plans for me that not even someone with an antiChrist spirit could destroy. I also knew that God had something in store for me. I decided to just wait on God. Which I am still doing really...months later. I did feel like God wanted me to contact a local prophet about what God's been telling me. And in so doing, I got a lot of reassurance and confirmation about the path I was on. That was refreshing to me. I really should relisten/read the words so that I can get refreshed again. As I have been a bit under lately. I have felt pushed off track with the pressures I am feeling in my marriage. I still feel like I have a bit of weight on me that I want off of me. I have been taking this to God...giving it to him. And when he shows me a sore spot...a point which causes me dis-stress, then I am reminded to apologize for doing that same thing myself and give it to him, again. This helps. Though, I really do wish this would speed along faster, if possible. Even a lasting miraculous healing would be great. But I know that there are certain things I need to know about myself, and to learn about myself...that I may not be able to unless I go through some things. At least that is how I am justifying what I am going through...in my mind.
There is so much I can touch on...as it's been far too long since I last wrote. I have had many interesting dreams...one recently where I lived in Paris. Not in a scary way...but it was beautiful in my dream...a comforting place...not a bustling place. I left that in the dream to seek someone out...to let them know where I was...to see them again. They didn't really seem too interested. Ambiguous...maybe that's the word. Not ignoring me. But not intently listening, either. Hmm.
In the word I received, God told me that I was going to have windows and entrances for me to go through. That I would discover all these boxes full of treasure. Some were myself! I would learn how to weed through the enemy's deception to keep me distracted so that I don't focus on what God's showing me...myself...my treasure within me. And there will be new ways in a career, and creativity, people, etc. The things that were distracting me, and the people,etc. that were keeping me off my target are going to be taken away. My head will be above the water now. It talked about how I do everything unto Him and that there is immense power because of that. The more and more I come into the truth of who I am and I act on that, the more boom I have in the spiritual world. I remember that when I see someone I can pray for. It resonates with me still.
I believe he said 5 doors slammed shut. From the 4 cardinal directions. I am going to dig into that deeper.
Well, I am hopeful. I am looking forward to more treasure. What treasure is inside of you?
Love you!
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