Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pecans and blessings of things

      Night before last, I had a dream where He told me that the pecans would be really bountiful in a week's time.   At first I thought he meant for me to wait a week before I started looking for them again. You see, I look every day and collect pecans in the yard from our one tree.  This year I was promised a bumper crop and I have been having to fight, at times, to remain in faith, for that to come to fruition.  It may seem like such a silly thing to some.  But I have been tempted to go to an old neighbor's home and get her pecans, since her house is up for sale...or even to ride around and find a tree in a vacant lot and pick those, for fear that we would not have enough this year.  But, I have not done that.  So, I have been encouraged by the dream.  In fact, the past two days since the dream I have collected more and more pecans.  So, I believe that what He said is correct and that by the end of these 7 days I will have a bumper crop of harvest come in from our blessed tree.
      We bless our tree regularly, too.  Everything loves to be blessed.  We even blessed our water filter with a short prayer on a sticky note.  It started filtering better and is still going strong!   Check out Dr. Emoto's studies on water and how it reacts when it is blessed.  You can also see what I am talking about in the movie, "What the Bleep do we Know".  That movie, to me, scientifically proves there is a God and that what I know to be true, is true.  Very good movie, a fun movie, that will make you laugh as well.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Walking and Talking

      This weekend my daughter told me she had had a dream where our son, 10.5 months old, was going to be walking around everywhere in a day or two.  She said that in the dream he started talking a day or two after that.
      He had been taking a few steps and walking and falling and deciding to just crawl, when she had the dream.  But, her dream was right!  She prophesied over him.  He started walking all over the place a couple of days after she told us about the dream.  He walks through rooms without falling down now!  He is super mobile!  It is truly amazing how fast it went from mostly crawling to almost always walking!
      To top it off, I can tell he is about to start really talking, too!  He is annunciating and making sounds that he didn't before.  He has been saying some words already, like Mommy and Daddy, but now he annunciates better.  I bet he'll be jabbering away in a day or two like she predicted.  Praise God!  They grow up too fast, though!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Spanish class?

      I had a dream last night about school.  I was back in school, almost like high school.  I was trying to find my class, I was taking two classes because that was all I could afford (so I thought).  I looked into one class room and it was not the right one.  It looked right at first, but was not the right one and had the wrong teacher.  I then looked into the next one.  It was not the class i was looking for, but this one was being taught by my high school spanish teacher Mrs. Ohana.  (She was a jew from Brazil!  Very kind and sweet woman)  She called me by my name and told me where to sit down.  SO, I did.  I knew the folks in the class.  I sat down and she told me to turn to page 327 in the book.  She told me that a couple of times.  I finally found the page and noticed I had a paper also on my desk and I waited to get the lesson going.  I talked with some of my classmates.  I found out, somehow, that the classes were all for free and that I was to take a full class load, like college.  I remember talking to someone about how I had been working ever since I was 15, for 17 years I said I had been working.  I remember thinking when I left the class that  I had to check to see if the other two classes would be right on the schedule with this new one and any others I was supposed to take.  Then I thought that it would be alright, God would work it out.
       SO, when I woke up this morning I decided to look at the bible by the bed and see what was on page 327, I knew God wanted me to read it.  It is Isaiah 52:6-55:13 !!!  Very powerful scriptures!  I am excited to meditate on those more and see where it takes me.  I feel God wants me to take more classes in Bible College than just the one I am believing I can take and handle.


I had a dream last Saturday night about bats.  There were two flying around and I was able to touch and hold one and stretched out it's wings.  Then, upon walking up to the church doors Sunday morning I noticed something on the bottom of the door sill.  It was a bat!  Sleeping, hanging on the door sill!  I got a picture with my husband's phone, but seeing as it's a company phone, they won't let them send picture messages so I have no idea how to get it on here to share.  It was really beautiful and tiny and cute.  It was not there when we came out at the end, but it was there when I came out a little while later to snap the photo.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Dream about eye sight

      I had a dream a little while ago that my eyes were going to be healed.  In the dream, I put my glasses on and had to take them off again to be able to see.  I am excited about believing that!  God kept telling me to post this one on here, so I finally did.