Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dream About Martha Stewart

     I had an interesting dream about Martha Stewart the other night.  Before I went to bed I had verses that dealt with prophecy and visions at night again.  So I was prepared for something to come to me.
     In the dream the woman did not look like Martha Stewart in person.  She seemed different, her face was different.  In the dream that was accounted to makeup and wardrobe and moods.  But this woman had hair a little bit longer than Martha's and it had a little wave to it.  Her face was a little more longer and free from makeup.  I asked her some was like I was interviewing her for something.  We were in a building, on a higher floor, with windows behind her.   It went well.  She was nice to me.
    Then I was traveling, trying to get to meet her again. There were all of these obstacles in the roadway.  Construction around the corner.  Things like that around this town.  So, I was hurrying to get there. It was dark when I got there.  It seemed like I was late.  I do not know if it was her I met when I got out of the vehicle, it was a woman.  And we spoke briefly.

     I have been asking God to reveal to me what He wants me to do in my life.  I do not want to be lukewarm, comfortable, and 'safe' with everything I do.  I want to do His will for my life. Be that bible college, moving, missions, staying home and helping others here, or moving somewhere and helping there. I want to know what and where and when God wants me to do things!  I am yearning to know that.
     In regards to that God usually uses people in a fashion that they are not naturally good at.  Like if you are good at singing, He will use you to do something else, so that God gets all of the credit, and not yourself.  So, I have been wondering if my baking has anything to do with God's will for my life, at all?  Also, I do the baking for the homeless lunch on Friday at a local church. Last Thursday I had this dream and then the following morning I rushed to get the dessert done in time, only to find that the lady that helps her husband run it had the flu and was not going to stay home, even though she had been to the E.R. the day before this!  I told her of the complications and how she could easily spread it to the homeless, but she did not care about that, she had to give her bible study. That bothered me.  I knew I would not get sick, but I did not know if the homeless men had the same belief in God that would protect them like mine has.  Then my son kept waking up from his nap needing me, so I was unable to bring the dessert to the lunch.  It turned out only 5 guys showed up, but still.  I wonder if the dream was about that, as well.

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