Monday, July 30, 2012


     I had a dream the other night where I was entering a really large newer/new high school.  It was an open house.  I knew that a man was going to come in and start shooting people.  So I found a place to hide.  He was going to shoot in the auditorium.  It was a round colosseum shaped more than a  rectangular basketball gym shape and seemed pretty large, to me in the dream anyways.
     I was hiding in a niche, up above a closet type thing.  He came in and stuck a needle in me and gave me a small amount of a drug.  Not enough to kill me, but enough to immobilize me.  I knew that I would not be found until after he shot all the people that he was planning on shooting... and that my husband and daughter were in the auditorium.  But I had a sense of peace about their safety.  I did not want to hear the terror and screams of the people.  Then the dream cut off abruptly.  
      That made me think, that if it was a prophecy, that I was being spared the pain of actually seeing the death and hearing it.  So, for that I am extremely grateful.  That was one of the main reasons I held back in being a psychic growing up.   I did not want to see the looks on people's faces and the horrible emotions...just how badly it would hurt me to experience that being as sensitive as I am.  I knew I could not handle that.

      Then I had a dream where we had come home and someone had gotten into our filing cabinet, the second drawer and then we needed to look and see if they had taken something upstairs.  So, I woke my husband up and asked him to sleep downstairs just to be  Of course everything was fine.  The second drawer is my bills paid drawer.  They had dented the drawer really badly...really jacked it up in the dream.  And I don't know why in the dream I would worry about someone going to get my jewelry when I don't have

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