I had a dream last night/this morning about a friend from my past. His name was Luke. I think I was looking for him in the dream. I remember searching going on. He has came into my daytime thoughts often lately.
Then the dream shifted to the mountains. We (hubby and I) were in this building at the bottom of the mountains, the side of one in particular. We had a map. We were being told we could get up there in the time we were given. I remember we were told ten hours...that we had ten to get there. We had the Fury in the dream and that was what we were to drive up the mountain. I asked if it would work and I was told it would be just fine. I had no fear in the dream. There was no fear in the dream...no worry or concern really. There did seem to be a question of if we could make it in time though. That seemed to be the only thing. We were reassured we could.
I remember the curves on the map. I remember the 'passes' we were going to go through and around. The person/angel that was talking to us was to my right and in front of me. He had looked like my old friend Luke at first but then was faceless for most of the dream. But had longer brunette hair.
I wonder if that means we have 10 months or ten units of some kind of time to get there? Or does the mountain refer to the ten years in our marriage that has gone past. Or is it talking about the ten in the future? Hmm. Things to prayerfully consider and await the Holy Spirit's teaching on.
Thank you God for my dreams and visions. Maybe this is a prophecy.
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