Thursday, June 21, 2012

Awesome bible study

      We had a really good bible study tonight.  It touched on God's love for us and how we need to accept what he has graciously done with us...what God did for us made him happy!  It focused mainly in Ephesians chapter 1.  I enjoyed it.  I want a full revelation of how it made God happy to save save me.  I want a full revelation of what God's hope is for me!  We talked about the prayer that Paul uses farther down in Ephesians.  "That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:
18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,
19 And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power"  That was really really puts what I have been asking God for into much more eloquent
      Our teacher wants to put another ad out on tv for a hope of more attendees to the bible study.  I asked if we could go out and heal some people as a way to get them to come to the bible study.  He is going to pray on that and chew it over.  My daughter, who was with us tonight, is excited about that idea, too.  She has healed people at school herself.  I told her on the way home tonight that someone will be healed next week at bible study.  So we are getting excited expecting great things!  
      Our teacher's wife, who was not able to come due to an intestinal bug, has the ability to sense people's emotions much more strongly than most people.  I think all women have this ability to an extent.  It seems hers is more acute.  I asked if she felt anything off of me.  He said that if she had of he did not did not stand out.  I asked about my husband and he said she sensed anger.  Not the kind that would come out and be all over.  More like an undercurrent I gathered.  Interesting.  but not eye opening.  He did tell me that guys will often times say nothing is wrong because they have not figured out what is bothering them.  If the man can not logically figure it out then he will look over it or push it to the side until it makes sense.  Then once it is in a box so to speak, he will talk about it.  That made a lot more sense to me then the 'man cave' analogy I have heard about.  I really appreciate his giving me some help with that insight.  Praise God for helpful people!
      We are really excited about next week!  Yay God!  Oh, we were a little late this week but we brought some yellow cake I had made from scratch.  It is really good.  The rest I am thinking about icing and taking to the homeless luncheon tomorrow.  It just depends.  God is dealing with my frustrations with the church people eating my food.  I make it for the homeless and i have been having a hard time dealing with the church people eating what I bring for the homeless.  

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