Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Rainbow Oreos: Celebrating God's Promise or celebrating people's sins?

    I love homosexuals, heterosexuals, and bisexuals.  I love ALL people!  God made us all and just like God, I love all people.  You as Christians are supposed to dislike sin, but love the sinner.  We are all sinners and we all have things we need to change about ourselves in order to be more like Jesus.
     With that said,  I do not support gay marriage or gay pride.  I have lifetime homosexual friends in our family circle.  We love them.  But being a homosexual is not God's best.  Being homosexual is not why God made us.  He wants us to reproduce.  Genesis 1:28 and 9:1.  You can not do that being a homosexual.  There are other examples but I don't want to get into all of that right now.
     God said that he would never bring a flood again to destroy the earth and that is why He gave us the rainbow.  Genesis chapter 9 covers all of that.  Isaiah 54:9 talks a little about the flood and how God will never be mad at us. The rainbow is a symbol of God's mercy for us.  It is not a symbol that should be associated with being proud of going against God and His best wishes for you!
    With that said, if the new rainbow oreos are about homosexuals basking in their sin, then I am totally against that and the company that is marketing them.  If the rainbow oreos are about celebrating God's love for us humans by never flooding the earth again...then right on!  I will buy stock in a company that will do that.

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