Friday, June 8, 2012

Saggy Boobs Dream

      I had a dream last night about saggy boobs.  Mine to be exact.  In this dream I kept trying to get them back up, but nothing seemed to work.  I could not get them up, like a normal bra would get them.  I kept putting them back up, but they kept sliding back down.  They hung down a little more than in real life, too.  Not to my belly button or anything.  But it was lower than now.  In the dream I knew that breastfeeding played a part in the boob sagging.
     But I do not think the dream was about saggy boobs.  I think it had more to do with something not happening like one had hoped.  I kept lifting and they kept falling.  Some things in life can be like lift it up, maybe you fix something, maybe you make progress, and it falls back down...digresses, breaks...or maybe it has to do with desires and expectations.    Expecting boobs to be up high when you have breastfed children is not realistic in the world's view.  So maybe the dream was about belief in God.  Because you may see something not working out in the 'world' but in the spirit realm you know the truth is different.  So you keep persevering and working to make the way you see it in the 'flesh' to match up with how it is supposed to be from a spiritual perspective.
      For example, in a spiritual perspective, I am not getting older, my body is not aging, and I am Holy Spirit.  But in the 'worldly' perspective I have saggy boobs and stretch marks that I can look at.  It does not feel like I have eternal life. The boobs won't stay up.  But in fact I do.  I just have to look to God's Word and what He says about me.
      But back to the expectations possibility.  When you keep doing the same thing expecting different results,  it can sometimes be stupid.  But it is not stupid if you are fighting doubt and working towards believing God.  Sometimes you need to be repetitive to get your mind and body in gear with the Word.  But if it is just a general life thing...then it could have to do with my needing to break a bad habit of repetitive behavior that is not healthy for me, and has to do with unrealistic expectations.

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